Sunday, 1 January 2012

BMKG Tabing Rawinsonde

Please find the final short report from BMKG Tabing:

Report BMKG Tabing Padang (12 UTC , Dec 31,2011)
1. Launching 123
2. Max height : 31,800 km
3. Weather (Cloudy )
4. T/P/RH : 29.7 C / 1010.6 mb /64 %.
Report BMKG Tabing Padang (18 UTC, Dec 31, 2011)
1. Launching 124
2. Max height : 30,300 km
3. Weather (Cloudy)
4. T/P/RH : 22.2 C / 1012.3 mb /92 %.
- BMKG Tabing -
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Report BPD Pontianak Observation 64

Radiosonde Observation log
Pontianak (LAPAN Observatory)
0.00 0 S,109.370 E
1m MSL
2012 /01 /01
Observation Members
Iskandar B, Suparman, Dedi Suryadi
Observation Number
Observation Time
00 (UTC)
Radiosonde Number
Radiosonde Frequency
404,50  MHz
Ground Check
P(hPa): 1009,5
T(0C) : 21,9
RH (%): 0
P (hPa): -0,1
T(0C) : -0,4
RH (%): 0
Sonde Release Time
 06:30 LST
Observation End Time
   07:42:02 LST
Flight Direction (16 direction)
Maximum Elevation
  21,870 (km)
Archive File Name
120101/ 120101.001
Weather Condition
Cloud Amount
2/8        Octus
1010,0    (hPa)
26,1       (0C)
Relative Humidity
100    (%)
Surface Wind Direction
270  (deg)
Suferface Wind Speed
0,1  (m/s)
-          Balloon launched succesed
-          Data completed saved

Sounding report of Sipora (Dec. 31)

Dear all,

Selamat tahun baru!!

After heavy rainfall in 27 December, lower/middle troposphere becomes
drier and drier (less than 50%, minimum less than 10% RH) and southerly
(southwesterly) wind is predominant.

As we have several spare sets of transmitter, we will continue our
observation until 12Z of January 1, 2012 (every 3-hour observation).

--- Sounding report for December 31 ---

Day shift: Iyan and Jeni
Night shift: Hamada and Riris

00Z Clear (8/8, Ci), 20.899km
03Z Clear (2/8), 18.561km
06Z Cloudy (5/8), 19.882km
09Z Very Cloudy (6/8), 18.995km

12Z Cloudy (4/8), 18.208km
15Z Cloudy (8/8, upper cloud), 17.324km
18Z Cloudy (8/8), 18.383km
21Z Cloudy (5/8), 19.625km

Best regards,

Hamada Jun1