Friday, 2 December 2011



POSITION 0.00 0 S,109.370 E



POSITION 0.00 0 S,109.370 E

Re: [SATREPS IOP 2011] Test transmission

Dear Mori-san,

We received your transmission test.

PS: Please note when you will reply or make comment from your email, put cc to the blog address again (, so your comment will upload automatically to the blog, if not nobody will receive your reply or comment.

We will check again on monday, why we should cc again to

Sorry for this.

Best Regards,
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From: SATREPS IOP 2011 <>
Date: Fri, 02 Dec 2011 11:50:03 +0000
To: <>
Subject: [SATREPS IOP 2011] Test transmission

Sorry, this is a test transmission.


Posted By SATREPS IOP 2011 to SATREPS IOP 2011 on 12/02/2011 06:49:00 PM

Re: [SATREPS IOP 2011] Test transmission

Dear Mori-san,

I receive your test transmission email.
Thank you.

Best Regards,

On 2 Des 2011, at 20:50, SATREPS IOP 2011 <> wrote:

Sorry, this is a test transmission.


Posted By SATREPS IOP 2011 to SATREPS IOP 2011 on 12/02/2011 06:49:00 PM

Test transmission

Sorry, this is a test transmission.


Fw: Sounding report at Sipora (December 1)

Dear All,

We started 3-hourly radiosonde observation at Sipora from 00Z of December 1.

# I attach the photo of 1st observation (00Z).

It has been very windy and rainy conditions. Wind speed was above 15m/s
around 1km height (northeasterly to westerly). Moderate and/or weak rain
(without thunder) continues almost whole a day.

- Sonde observational reports for December 1, 2011

(Observational members)
00Z-12Z: Iyang (BPPT), Bambang (BMKG Tabing) (Hamada (JAMSTEC), monitor)
12Z-21Z: Hamada, Riris (TPI Sipora), Tanoue (Kumamoto Univ.)

(Observational time, weather conditions, maximum height)

00Z: 1st, cloudy (overcast), 4.860km
    2nd, rain (overcast), 4.934km

03Z: 1st, rain (overcast), 4.774km
    2nd, rain (overcast), 19.734km

# Vertical speed of the balloons (00Z 2nd, 03Z 1st) were about 0m/s to
-2m/s around 4-5km height in rain clouds, though we added more buoyancy
force than clear case. Thus, the observation were automatically
terminated because of increasing pressure.

06Z: cloudy (overcast), 20.815km

09Z: rain (overcast), 20.531km

12Z: rain (overcast), 16.855km

15Z: 1st, miss launch. The transmitter hit a electricity cable.
    2nd, slightly rain (overcast), 17.502km

# One transmitter could not be used (GPS sensor problem)

18Z: slightly rain (overcast), 18.604km

21Z: slightly rain (overcast), 19.593km


BMKG Tabing IOP Report (Dec 2, 2011)

Dear All,

We will inform short report of Rawinsonde Launching (Friday, Dec 2, 2011) at BMKG Tabing.

1. Launching at 00 UTC
     Maximum Height = 28,206 km
    Temperature       = 23,2 Degree of Celcius
     Pressure             =1008,7 mb
     Relative Humidity  = 94%
     Launching was successful

2. Launching at 06 UTC
     Maximum Height = 32,620 km
    Temperature       = 28,0 Degree of Celcius
     Pressure             =1009 mb
     Relative Humidity  = 70 %
     Launching was successful

    We will wait the report from BMKG for the next Launching at 12 UTC and 18 UTC.
    -BMKG Tabing-

Re: MJO is approaching Sumatera

It is very interesting that some smaller hierarchies in SCS
are clearly along the coastline, which should be a result
of combination with diurnal cycle.
If there is any intermediate scale (around a few days) between
DC and SCS, it makes a day-to-day shift of rainfall peak at a
station as I have shown in a simple calculation a few days ago.
--- MDY

Re: MJO is approaching Sumatera

Dear Mori-san:

Thank for sending us the present status of our weather and climate at the beginning phase of our iop.

I believe the evidence of mjo and the cause such as pln black out last night at muara putus due to tropical cyclone and nocturnal heavy rainfall over west sumatra from few days ago until recently
Will be a very good data for our iop. We are just eyeing this important evidence when mjo touching sumatra.

Keep working good on iop but do not forget to keep our health and safety as well.

Ps. The NBA flight from sipora island had been canceled on last thursday for Major Gentio return to Padang. No regular ship is also in operation there, so that he will a few day trapped in sipora until he could be back to padang when the weather back to normal. I am very sorry to disturb his busy schedule.

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MJO is approaching Sumatera

I believe everyone has noticed that a MJO is approaching Sumatera right now.

This is a GSMaP rainfall distribution observed from space. You can find
a synoptic precipitating system was identified at the eastern end of the
Indian Ocean and we had much rainfall in Padang last few days though the
MJO itself stays in th sector 3 shown in the RMM analysis. This is a
"typical?" characteristics which Hamada-san has pointed out in his paper
(has it already published?).

Let's keep our watch at wonderful events in each site!



Dear Dr. Hashiguchi,

Please find the photographs of the WPR (in series).
Actually internet is recovered since yesterday, but Yamaha Router is also damage.
Thank you.



Citra MPR, 1 Desember 2011 01:00-03:30 UTC

Berikut citra produk CAPPI data reflectivity (dBZ) dan Doppler Velocity (V) MPR pada level 2 km, tanggal 1 Desember 2011, jam 01:00 - 03:30 UTC (08:00 - 10:30 WIB). Klik pada gambar untuk melihat animasinya.

Posted by Ardhi @ Muara Putus