Thursday, 8 December 2011

BMKG Tabing Rawinsonde

A. Report BMKG tabing (06 UTC, Dec 8, 2011)
1.Launching 30
2.Max Height : 31.078 km
3.Weather (very cloudy)
4.T/P/RH/ :31.6 C/1009.1 mb./67%

B. Report BMKG tabing (12 UTC, Dec 8, 2011)
1. Launching 31
2. Max height : 28,407 km
3. Weather : Cloudy
4. T.28,0C P.1007,3 mb RH.82 %

-BMKG Tabing -
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BJ-III on stationary observations

Dear colleagues, sorry for my belated forwarding (because of the flood
workshop etc. in daytime today). (Sorry also for my miswriting vessel
According to a message from BJ team to Dr.Yamada on 11 WIB today:
- BJ has started stationary observations from 06 UT (13 WIB) yesterday.
- At surface strong NW wind around 10 m/s and waves around 3 m are
continued from yesterday.
- A shower occurred last night. Such a diurnal cycle of night rain
is dominant for these days.
- BJ team is planning to return to Jakarta in the morning on Dec.21,
and to visit BMKG Jakarta for a meeting in the afternoon on the same
day. After that they will leave Jakarta in the evening on Dec.23.
Best regards,
MDY at BPPT, Jakarta
The flood workshop has been finished successfully. Pak Fadli, Pak
Udrekh and Pak Seto have presented SATREPS, SIJAMPANG and UPTHB
activities, respectively. In the opening ceremony Ibu Sri Woro did
a very excellent keynote talk over 30 min which gave a summary of
100-year historical occurrence of floods in Jakarta (by which she
denied so-called 5-year period in usual people as a rumor), as well
as ENSO and IOD+/-, pointed out importance of monsoon surges and
MJOs, and also intercomparison between numerical predictions such
as NOAA, APCC, JAMSTEC (SINTEX) etc. Pak Fadli's presentation
confirmed her talk based on our collaborations, and emphasized
additional importance of diurnal cycles and radar observations. wrote:
> Dear colleagues.
> BJ (Dr.Yoneyama, Dr.Kubota) has decided to do stationary observations
> at 7S, 95S, and they will arrive there soon (already?).
> Routine observations have been carried out very regularly.
> A shower was observed last night, but now weather is fine, in spite of
> strong NW wind (10 m/s) and high waves (3 m).
> Regards,

Sounding report of Sipora (Dec. 7)

Dear all,

We have finished 3-hourly radio sonde observation by 00Z December 8 and
started 6-hourly observation.

The followings are observational results of December 7.

Because wind speed was very weak under 10km height, balloon stayed near
the site less than 10km range. Then, we missed many PTU/WIND raw data
when balloon located just above (close to) the site.

--- Sonde observational report for December 7 ---

Day shift: Iyan and Bambang
Night shift: Hamada, Riris and Tanoue

00Z: Cloudy (8/8, Ci, Cu), 14.914km
03Z: Very Cloudy (6/8, 3Cu/Sc, 2Ac/As, 1Ci), 21.781km
06Z: Cloudy (5/8, 2Cu, 2Ac, 1Ci), 22.767km
09Z: Cloudy (4/8, 2Cu, 1Ac, 1Ci), 21.550km
12Z: Cloudy (4/8, 1Cu, 2Ac, 1Ci), 19.858km

# Wind EDT data were lost between 10.3km and 13.0km, because the raw
PTU/WIND signal was continuously weak when the balloon had returned to
above the site.

15Z: Cloudy (7/8, Ci, As, Ac), 19.179km
18Z: Cloudy (7/8, As, Ci), 18.992km
21Z: Cloudy (7/8), 20.577km

Best regards,

Hamada Jun-Ichi

BMKG Tabing Rawinsonde

Report BMKG Tabing Padang (00.00 UTC, Dec, 08 2011)
1. Launching 29
2. Max Height : 33.667 m
3. Tidak ada masalah dengan sounde
4. Cuaca Berawan (Very Cloudy)
5. T/P/RH : 24,2 C/1008.9 mb/95%
6. Curah hujan 12 mm

Report BMKG Tabing Padang (18.00 UTC, Dec, 07 2011)
1. Launching 28
2. Max Height : 19500 m
3. Tidak ada masalah dengan sounde
4. Weather (Overcast)
5. T/P/RH : 25,0 C/1009.3 mb/90%